Adding pizzazz to solid brown velour pillow cases

One of my stencil-painted pillows. Project completion: 4/11/15.

I’ve been eager to do another project, now that our remodeled kitchen has been beautifully remodeled and decorated. Plus, I discovered the great new crafting line of products at Target called Handmade Modern. It’s complete with paints, stencils, burlap, wooden letters…I was in craft heaven. My favorite crafting materials and tools in one place. Like an AC Moore and a Michaels crammed into a single aisle.

I of course tossed these pretty metallic paints in the cart and decided to try my hand at stenciling pillows.


The printed linen pillow cases that now grace the cabinet panels of our kitchen served as inspiration. And Target conveniently supplied a blank canvas covered pillow in their crafts collection for me to get my feet wet on.

But I couldn’t stop there. I now needed more canvases, more fabric, more textiles to paint on. So the two plain, solid, brown velour pillows I spied on the couch became my next target.



I used a pretty rosette wheel stencil pattern I purchased from Target. I did alternating colors of gold, copper, steel and platinum. The combination of these metallic colors looked gorgeous on the deep brown backdrop…it added a rich layer of elegance to the pillow cover. You just want to reach out and touch them.

These stencils were great to work with, but since they are cardboard-based, they begin to wear after a few uses. Note to self to invest in plastic stencils of various shapes and styles.

Once the two cases were done, as pretty as they were, I didn’t see where they would fit the color scheme of the pillows I know have jammed packed on the couch. So I folded them up, tucked them away, and went in search of another craft project. V-

8/5/15 UPDATE: Turns out, these pillows will be put to work on my couch after all. I’m now raiding some pillows for their covers to use as wood crate liners. What will I come up with next? V-